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Migrating from PeterPortal API

Anteater API is our new API for UCI related data, and represents the culmination of years of knowledge we've gained from developing PeterPortal API. Migrate now, before PeterPortal API is sunset.

PeterPortal API will be sunset on Friday, January 31st, 2025, at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time. After this time, requests made to either version of PeterPortal API will no longer be served.

Anteater API is the successor to PeterPortal API. The sole upgrade path from either version of PeterPortal API is to Anteater API.


Over the past few years, we've learned a great deal about the data we work with through developing PeterPortal API. In these past iterations, we have made some assumptions about this data that no longer hold water.

We believe that sunsetting PeterPortal API in favor of Anteater API will allow us to make the data more accessible and correct, in a manner that is efficient and sustainable for many years into the future.

How to Migrate

Please make sure you have read the Attribution Policy in its entirety. By continuing, you represent that you have done so and accept its provisions.

Change the base URL used in your API calls to https://anteaterapi.com/v2/rest (for the REST API) or https://anteaterapi.com/v2/graphql (for the GraphQL API).

Optional, but highly recommended: Request an API key at https://dashboard.anteaterapi.com, and use that API key in all of your API calls. More details can be found here.

Read the section below that corresponds to your current usecase, and apply any modifications to your code.

We are happy to assist developers in the migration process. If you would like assistance, or have any questions regarding the migration, please contact us at icssc@uci.edu.

Please note however that our resources are limited, and as a result we may not be able to respond to all such requests. As an organization founded on the principle of open source, we will prioritize requests based on the project's license terms and usage.

Breaking Changes Since v0

This section applies to you if you are using the base URLs https://api.peterportal.org/rest/v0 (for the REST API) or https://api.peterportal.org/graphql (for the GraphQL API).

All endpoints

  • All field names in the response object(s) are now in camelCase rather than snake_case.

All REST endpoints

  • The object returned in a response now contains an ok boolean field. If ok is true, then the data is guaranteed to be in the data field. Otherwise, the message field contains an error message.

All GraphQL queries

  • It is no longer possible to query course offerings directly from a Course object. At this time, there is no replacement for this functionality.

Courses (REST)

  • The /courses/all endpoint is no longer available. It has been replaced by the /courses endpoint, which is paginated.
  • The department_alias field is no longer available. At this time, there is no replacement for this field.
  • The units field is no longer available. It has been replaced by the minUnits and maxUnits fields, which correspond to units[0] and units[1], respectively.
  • The professor_history field is no longer available. The data can still be accessed by taking the id field of each object in the instructors field.
  • The prerequisite_tree field is now an object, rather than a string containing a serialized object.
  • The prerequisite_list and prerequisite_for fields are no longer available. The data can still be accessed by taking the id field of each object in the prerequisites and dependencies fields, respectively.

Instructors (REST)

  • The /instructors/all endpoint is no longer available. It has been replaced by the /instructors endpoint, which is paginated.
  • The schools and related_departments fields are no longer available. At this time, there is no replacement for these fields.
  • The shortened_name field is no longer available. It has been replaced by a shortenedNames field, which is an array containing each WebSoc name associated with the instructor.
  • The course_history field is no longer available. The data can still be accessed by taking the id field of each object in the courses field.

Grades (REST)

  • The path to the endpoint which aggregates the grades is now /grades/aggregate instead of /grades/calculated.
  • The year field/parameter is now a string containing one year number, and the quarter field/parameter is now a string containing one of the six terms (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer1, Summer10wk, Summer2).
  • The department_name, section, title, and type fields are no longer available. At this time, there is no replacement for these fields.
  • The instructor field has been replaced by the instructors field, which is an array containing all instructors associated with the section.
  • The number and number_int fields/parameters have been renamed to courseNumber and courseNumeric respectively.
  • The code field/parameter has been renamed to sectionCode and is now a string containing the section code.

WebSoc (REST)

  • The path to this resource is now /websoc instead of /schedule/soc.
  • The term parameter has been replaced by the year and quarter parameters which together make up the two space-delimited parts of the term parameter. For example, if your original query used term=2021%20Fall, you should use year=2021&quarter=Fall instead.
  • The meetings and finalExam fields now contain additional metadata. See the API Reference for more details.

Breaking Changes Since v1

This section applies to you if you are using the base URLs https://api-next.peterportal.org/v1/rest (for the REST API) or https://api-next.peterportal.org/v1/graphql (for the GraphQL API).

All REST endpoints

  • The top-level statusCode, timestamp, and requestId fields are no longer available.
  • The success and payload fields have been renamed to ok and data respectively.


  • The /courses/all endpoint is no longer available. It has been replaced by the /courses endpoint, which is paginated.
  • The instructorHistory field is no longer available. The data can still be accessed by taking the id field of each object in the instructors field.
  • The shortenedName field of the Instructor object is no longer available. It has been replaced by a shortenedNames field, which is an array containing each WebSoc name associated with that instructor.
  • The prerequisiteList and prerequisiteFor fields are no longer available. The data can still be accessed by taking the id field of each object in the prerequisites and dependencies fields, respectively.


  • The /instructors/all endpoint is no longer available. It has been replaced by the /instructors endpoint, which is paginated.
  • The shortenedName field is no longer available. It has been replaced by a shortenedNames field, which is an array containing each WebSoc name associated with the instructor.
  • The schools and relatedDepartments fields are no longer available. At this time, there is no replacement for these fields.
  • The courseHistory field is no longer available. It has been consolidated into the courses field. Each object in the courses field now contains a terms field, which contains all terms in which the course was or will be taught.


  • If a section has only Pass and/or Not Pass grades, the averageGPA field will be null, rather than 0.


  • The cache option is no longer available.
    • Previously, if cache was set to false, this endpoint proxied requests directly to the University Registrar's Web Schedule of Classes (WebSoc).
    • In the interest of preventing WebSoc from getting too many requests, at this time there is no replacement for this functionality. To remedy this, objects at most levels have an updatedAt field to indicate when WebSoc was last fetched.
    • If real-time access to WebSoc data is critical for your application, consider hosting your own proxy and using libwebsoc-next to normalize the data from WebSoc. However, please note that the format returned from this library will not contain some of the metadata returned by Anteater API's WebSoc endpoint.

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