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Anteater API

Basic information about Anteater API

What is Anteater API?

Anteater API provides various data from the University of California, Irvine, in a structured format that can be used by other software.

Anteater API is maintained by its team within the Projects Committee of the ICS Student Council (ICSSC).

What is ICSSC?

ICS Student Council is a far-reaching organization that aims to improve student life within and beyond the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences.

Feel free to join us at our events. All UCI affiliates are welcome.

Learn more about how you can get involved with us here.

Using Anteater API in Your Software

If you're building an application that manipulates public data provided by the school, the Anteater API likely has you covered.

You can learn about the capabilities of Anteater API, and how to use it, here.

Any use of Anteater API for any purpose is bound by the attribution policy.

Using Anteater API for Research

Anteater API contains a wealth of historical data of potential research interest. The following is a non-exhaustive list of historical data we serve:

  • Schedule of Classes for terms not earlier than fall 1990.
  • Letter grade distributions for course offerings not earlier than summer 2014.
  • Course enrollment trends for course sections held not earlier than winter 2022.

If there's more publicly available data that you'd like to see us provide for research, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Contributing to Anteater API

Anteater API is free and open-source software (FOSS). The word "free" in this context is as in free speech, though there is also no monetary cost to use Anteater API. This means that everyone can view its source code to see how it works, and everyone is allowed to contribute to Anteater API and/or redistribute its source code.

For more information on contributing to Anteater API, see the contributor section of the Anteater API documentation.

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