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Rest API

Request Schema

All requests to the REST API should be made using the base URL https://anteaterapi.com/v2/rest.

Response Schema

All responses, successful or otherwise, will be sent as JSON. Specific response types can be found on the API Reference.

Successful responses will contain a 200 status code, a response field ok equal to true, and an associated data field.

Erroneous responses will contain a non 200 status code, a response field ok equal to false, and an associated message field.


By default, the API compresses all responses over 48 bytes (Gzip) or 50 bytes (Brotli and Zstandard) based on the Accept-Encoding header.

If your usecase does not support compressed responses, make sure to send the Accept-Encoding header with an empty value. This will ensure that the response will be returned in plaintext.

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