ICS Student Council
Anteater APIREST APIGuides

TypeScript Integration

We provide a types package on the npm Registry to provide intelligent code completion when working with response objects, as well as a way to safely protect against erroneous or failed requests.

To start using the package in your TypeScript project, run the following command:

npm install peterportal-api-next-types

The following is a code snippet that uses the Fetch API to make requests, but this should work with all HTTP libraries that return the response as an object. You may have to use JSON.parse if your library returns a string instead.

import type {
} from "peterportal-api-next-types";
import { isErrorResponse } from "peterportal-api-next-types";
try {
  const res = await fetch(
    "https://api-next.peterportal.org/v1/rest/websoc" +
      new URLSearchParams({
        year: "2023",
        quarter: "Spring",
        department: "COMPSCI",
      headers: {
        Referer: "https://docs.api-next.peterportal.org",
  const json: RawResponse<WebsocAPIResponse> = await res.json();
  // These fields are always available regardless of whether the request
  // succeeded or failed.
  if (isErrorResponse(json)) {
    // If the request failed, the error message and details will be logged to
    // standard error.
  } else {
    // If the request was successful, all courses in the COMPSCI department for
    // Spring 2023 will be logged to standard output.
    // If you are using an editor that supports intelligent code completion,
    // typing json.payload.s in this block should show the `schools` array of
    // the WebSoc API response type.
} catch (e) {
  // If fetch itself failed, the error message will be logged to standard error.

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